
About us

We are the Test Society, a collaboration between Lina Kulakova from the Quality Talks testing community in Lisbon, Nuno Matos from the Porto Testers Meetup testing community in Porto, and Maik Nogens from Germany (a passionate community builder). We came together with a special goal: to give something valuable back to their community. We decided to organize a yearly conference that focuses on testing. This conference will serve as a place for discussions and sharing knowledge about different testing topics. They hope that by hosting this event, they can make a positive impact on the testing community and create a space where everyone can gather once a year to learn and grow together.


Nuno Matos

Sponsors and Website Manager

Lina Kulakova

Sponsors and Marketing Manager

Maik Nogens

Sponsors and Speakers Manager

Team Members

  • Rogério Castro

  • Pedro Magalhães

  • Nuno Ramos